§ 42-82-1 - Statement of legislative purpose.
SECTION 42-82-1
§ 42-82-1 Statement of legislativepurpose. (a) The general assembly recognizes that land suitable for food production inthe state has become an extremely scarce and valuable resource. The amount ofgood farmland has declined so dramatically that unless a comprehensive programis initiated by the state to preserve what remains it will be lost forever. Itis in the best interest of the people that the state identify and acquire thedevelopment rights to the remaining land most endangered by development so asto maintain farming, productive open spaces, and ground water recharge areas.
(b) The general assembly finds that productive farmland isbeing converted to other uses because its development value at present farexceeds its value for agricultural purposes; that agriculture is an importantpart of the state's economy, environment, and quality of life; and that localfood production will become increasingly important to the people of the state.It also finds that agricultural preservation will allow more orderlydevelopment and permit the cities and towns to plan for and provide servicesmore adequately and at lower cost. Therefore, the general assembly establishesan agricultural lands preservation commission to conduct the inventory andacquisition of development rights to farmland in this state.