§ 42-8-1 - Head of department Duties.
SECTION 42-8-1
§ 42-8-1 Head of department Duties. There shall be a department of state. The head of the department of state shallbe the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall perform the dutiesrequired by this chapter and by chapter 2 of title 6; chapters 1 to 4,inclusive, of title 7; chapters 16, 19, and 20 of title 17; chapters 3 and 10of title 22; chapters 1 to 3 and 4, of title 29; chapter 1 of title 36; chapter7 of title 37; chapter 30 of this title; chapters 1 and 2 of title 43; chapter6 of title 44; and any and all other provisions of the general laws and publiclaws insofar as such powers and duties relate to the secretary of state and thedepartment of state.