§ 42-8.1-5 - Duties and responsibilities.
SECTION 42-8.1-5
§ 42-8.1-5 Duties and responsibilities. (a) The state archivist under the direction of the secretary of state shall beresponsible for the proper administration of public records of permanenthistorical or other value. It shall be his or her duty to determine and directthe administrative and technical procedures of the division. He or she shallstudy the problems of preservation and disposition of records as defined inthis chapter and based on such study shall formulate and put into effect, tothe extent authorized by law, within the division or otherwise, such programsas he or she deems advisable or necessary for public records of permanenthistorical or other value by agencies of the state or political subdivisionsthereof.
(b) The state archives shall reserve and administer suchrecords as shall be transferred to its custody, and to accept, arrange, andpreserve them, according to approved archival practices and to permit them atreasonable times and under the supervision of the division to be inspected,examined and copied; provided that any record placed in the keeping of thedivision under special terms or conditions restricting their use shall be madeaccessible only in accordance with such terms and conditions.
(c) The state archivist shall cooperate with and assistinsofar as practicable, state institutions, departments, agencies, thecounties, municipalities and individuals engaged in activities in the field ofstate archives, manuscripts, and to accept from any person any papers, books,records and similar materials which in the judgment of the division warrantpreservation in the state archives.
(d) Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the statearchivist may delegate any of the functions of the archivist to such officersand employees of the division as the archivist may deem to be necessary orappropriate. A delegation of the functions by the archivist shall not relievethe archivist of responsibility for the administration of such functions.
(e) The secretary of state may organize the division as he orshe finds necessary or appropriate.
(f) The secretary of state may establish advisory committeesto provide advice with respect to any function of the archivist or thedivision. Members of any such committee shall serve without compensation.
(g) The state archivist shall advise and consult withinterested federal, state and local agencies with a view to obtaining theiradvice and assistance in carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
(h) The state archivist shall provide a public research roomwhere, under policies established by the division, the materials in the statearchives may be studied.
(i) The state archivist shall conduct, promote, and encourageresearch in Rhode Island history, government, and culture, and to maintain aprogram of information, assistance, coordination, and guidance for publicofficials, educational institutions, libraries, the scholarly community, andthe general public engaged in such research.
(j) The state archivist, with the approval of the secretaryof state, shall cooperate with and, insofar as practicable, assist agencies,libraries, institutions, and individuals in projects designed to preserveoriginal source materials relating to the state history, government, andculture, and to prepare and publish in cooperation with the public recordsadministration, handbooks, guides, indexes, and other literature directedtoward encouraging the preservation and use of the state's documentaryresources.
(k) The state archivist shall serve as a member of thecoordinating council for state library, archival and information services.
(l) The state archivist shall submit to the general assembly,as part of the annual report for the state archives, a yearly preservation planfor addressing the preservation needs and objectives for the division to beaccomplished during the coming year. This report will include a review of pastpreservation initiatives within the department as well as the projected cost(s)for new initiatives.
(m) The state archivist shall submit a disaster preparednessplan for the state archives. The plan will be placed on file with the secretaryof state, department of state library services, and the general assembly andwill be updated annually.