§ 42-8.1-4 - Officers.
SECTION 42-8.1-4
§ 42-8.1-4 Officers. (a) The chief administrative officer of the division shall be the statearchivist.
(b) The state archivist shall be appointed by the secretaryof state:
The archivist shall be appointed based upon the professionalqualifications required to perform the duties and responsibilities of theoffice of archivist. The archivist may be removed by the secretary of state.
(c) There shall be in the division a deputy state archivistwho shall be appointed by the secretary of state and who shall serve at thepleasure of the secretary of state. The deputy archivist shall perform suchfunctions as the archivist shall designate. During any absence or disability ofthe archivist, the deputy archivist shall act as archivist. In the event of avacancy in the office of the state archivist, the deputy archivist shall act asarchivist until an archivist is appointed under subsection (b) of this section.
(d) The state archivist and deputy state archivist shall becompensated at a salary to be determined by the secretary of state, whichsalary shall be reviewed and approved by the department of administration.