§ 42-8.1-13 - Legal status of reproductions.
SECTION 42-8.1-13
§ 42-8.1-13 Legal status of reproductions. (a) When any copy or reproduction, furnished under the terms hereof, isauthenticated by the official seal and certified by the state archivist, thecopy or reproduction shall be admitted in evidence equally with the originalfrom which it was made.
(b) The state archivist or any other public officer of thestate or any city, municipality, district, or legal subdivision thereof maycause any or all public records, papers, or documents kept by him or her to bephotographed, microphotographed, or reproduced on film or non-erasable opticaldisc or through other processes which accurately reproduce or form a durablemedium for reproducing and preserving the original records. These reproductionprocesses shall comply with the standards approved for the reproduction ofpermanent records under § 38-3-5.1. These photographs, microphotographs,photographic films, optical discs or other reproductions shall be deemed to beoriginal records for all purposes including introductions in evidence in allcourts or administrative agencies. A transcript, exemplification, or certifiedcopy thereof, for all purposes recited in this section, shall be deemed to be atranscript, exemplification, or certified copy of the original.
(c) Whenever these photographs, microphotographs, orreproductions on film or non-erasable optical discs, or other reproductionsproperly certified, are placed in conveniently accessible files and provisionsmade for preserving, examining, and using the same, any public officer maycause the original records from which the reproductions have been made, or anypart thereof, to be disposed of according to methods prescribed by §§38-1-10 and 38-3-6. These copies shall be certified by their custodian as truecopies of the originals before the originals are destroyed or lost, and thecopies so certified shall have the same force and effect as the originals,provided the copies meet the standards established under § 42-8-4. Copiesof public records transferred from the office of their origin to the division,when certified by the state archivist or the deputy archivist, shall have thesame legal force and effect as if certified by the original custodian of therecords.