§ 42-77.1-1 - Commission established.
SECTION 42-77.1-1
§ 42-77.1-1 Commission established. –There is established a black achievers commission to consist of thirteen (13)members: one of whom shall be designated chairperson and shall be appointed bythe speaker of the house; one of whom shall be designated co-chairperson andshall be appointed by the president of the senate; and one of whom shall alsobe designated as co-chairperson and shall be appointed by the governor. Thechairperson shall select four (4) persons to serve on the commission. Eachco-chairperson shall select three (3) persons to serve on the commission. Thosepersons selected to serve on the commission shall be members of Rhode Island'sprofessional business community.
The commission shall engage the participation and cooperationof Rhode Island's entire professional and business commmunity. The commissionshall establish, maintain, develop and promote cultural ties among members ofthe minority community and shall focus on encouraging minority youths to takespecial interest in educational, social, economic, and other growth in thecommunity by providing educational and informational programs to minorityyouths. The commission shall also recognize as "black achievers" thoseindividuals who merit recognition as black leaders in their community and/orprofession. The commission members shall be appointed for terms of two (2)years each.