§ 42-75.2-3 - Definitions.

SECTION 42-75.2-3

   § 42-75.2-3  Definitions. – For the purposes of this chapter:

   (1) "Acquisition" means acquisition by purchase, lease, orcommission.

   (2) "Architect" means any person or firm retained to design,or prepare plans or specifications for any part of the public constructionproject, including, but not limited to, landscape, interior, electrical,plumbing, heating, utility, engineering, or fixture design.

   (3) "Art, artwork, or works of art" means frescoes, mosaics,sculpture, drawings, paintings, photography, calligraphy, graphic art, stainedglass, wall hangings, tapestries, fountains, ornamental gateways, monuments,displays, architectural embellishments, crafts, architectural landscaping,landscape gardening, or any work of mixed media by a professional artist,artisan, or craftsperson.

   (4) "Artist" means any practitioner generally recognized byhis or her peers or by critics as a professional who produces works of art.This definition does not include the architect of the subject public buildingunder construction or any member of that architect's firm.

   (5) "Capital construction and construction costs" means costsexpended for the actual construction of a given state building or facility,including the costs for remodeling, renovation, or reconstruction.

   (6) "Construction" means original construction, remodeling,renovation, or reconstruction.

   (7) "Council" means the Rhode Island state council on thearts.

   (8) "Representative of the community" means a person, orrepresentative of a group or groups, which would be reasonably expected toutilize the building or facility.

   (9) "State agency or department" means the agency of stategovernment to which funds have been appropriated or allocated for theconstruction, remodeling, reconstruction or renovation of any public buildingor other public facility.

   (10) "State building, public building, state facility orpublic facility" means any permanent structure together with all grounds andappurtenant structures which are intended to act as offices, laboratories,workshops, courtrooms, hearing or meeting rooms, storage, or other space forcarrying on the functions of a state agency, auditoriums, meeting rooms,classrooms, or other educational facilities, eating, sleeping, medical, dental,library, museum space for use by the general public or a facility used to houseconventions, trade shows, exhibitions, displays, meetings, banquets, and otherevents as well as facilities related thereto. This definition does not include:public highways, bridges, sewers, fishponds, fish hatcheries, prisons, servicefacilities at state parks and highway rest areas, or separate buildings notpart of a larger construction project, which are intended solely as storage,warehouse, or maintenance and repair facilities.

   (11) "User" means the designated person, agency, department,or entity having principal administrative responsibility for the actualutilization of a proposed state facility.