§ 42-72.9-6 - Recording.
SECTION 42-72.9-6
§ 42-72.9-6 Recording. (a) Any use of physical, mechanical, or chemical restraint or seclusion on achild must be documented in the child's medical, educational, treatment or caserecord maintained by the covered facility. The documentation shall include:
(1) In the case of emergency use, the nature of the emergencyand what other steps, including attempts at verbal de-escalation, were taken toprevent the emergency from arising if there were indications that such anemergency was likely to arise; and
(2) A detailed description of the nature of the restraint,its duration and its effect on the child's established medical, educational ortreatment plan.
(b) Each covered facility shall: (1) maintain a weekly log ofthe use of physical, mechanical, or chemical restraint or seclusion on childrenin their care and the nature of the emergency that necessitated its use, and(2) include that information in an annual compilation on its use of restraintand seclusion. The director of the state agency that has jurisdiction orsupervisory control over the covered facility shall issue regulations regardingthe specific content of the annual compilation and review the annualcompilation prior to renewing a license for or a contract with the coveredfacility. The annual compilation of use of restraints and seclusion by eachcovered facility is a public record.
(c) If the use of restraint or seclusion results in seriousphysical injury or death to the child, the covered facility shall report theincident immediately to the department of children, youth, and families asdefined by law and to the director of the state agency that has jurisdiction orsupervisory control over the covered facility. The director shall report anyincidence of serious injury or death to the child advocate. The term "seriousinjury" shall be defined by DCYF in the rules and regulations promulgatedpursuant to § 42-72.9-9.