§ 42-72.8-2 - Administration of program.
SECTION 42-72.8-2
§ 42-72.8-2 Administration of program. (a) Each year the department shall identify and recommend from among youth inits legal custody, or who were in the Department's legal custody on theireighteenth (18th) birthday, those students who may be eligible to apply for aHigher Education Opportunity Incentive Grant. The department of elementary andsecondary education shall afford all appropriate assistance to the departmentin the identification of youth who may be eligible for such grants. Eachselected applicant will receive grants to supplement federal, state andinstitutional scholarships and grants awarded to the applicant in an amount notto exceed the full cost of tuition, fees and room and board charges:
(b) A grant period shall be limited to two (2) years offull-time study at the Community College of Rhode Island, four (4) years offull-time study at Rhode Island College, and the University of Rhode Island,and in no instance shall the grant period exceed a period of four (4) years.Grant recipients shall be enrolled full-time and shall continue to makesatisfactory progress toward an academic certificate or degree;
(c) The department shall make recommendations for grantawards from among those youth who:
(1) Have not yet reached the age of eighteen (18) on the dayof recommendation, are in the legal custody of the department on the day ofrecommendation and have remained in such custody for at least twenty-four (24)months prior to the day of recommendation; or, for former foster care, havereached the age of eighteen (18) prior to the date of recommendation, have notyet reached the age of twenty-one (21) and were in the custody of thedepartment from their sixteenth (16th) to their eighteenth (18th) birthdays; and
(2) Have graduated from high school or received theequivalent of a high school diploma not more than one year prior to the date ofrecommendation; and
(3) Has not reached his/her twenty-first (21st) birthday.