§ 42-72.7-6 - Pilot program Coordinated, individualized, appropriate child and family driven system of care.
SECTION 42-72.7-6
§ 42-72.7-6 Pilot program Coordinated, individualized, appropriate child and family driven system ofcare. The coordinated, individualized, appropriate child and family driven system ofcare which shall be established under the two (2) pilot program localcoordinating councils shall embody the following principles:
(1) Services are to be child and family driven, with prioritygiven to keeping a child in a safe home. A child and his/her family or his/herprimary caregiver shall be fully involved in all aspects of planning, decisionmaking and delivery of services;
(2) Services are to be community based and are to be providedin the least restrictive setting consistent with the unique needs and potentialof each child and his/her family. This means that services must be designed to:
(i) Enable children to remain in a safe home with theirfamilies whenever possible;
(ii) Enable children placed in foster care or group care toremain in a foster or group care facility in their community, and when no suchcare is available in their community, to remain in care in as close proximityas possible to their usual residence;
(iii) Enable children placed in residential programs otherthan foster or group care to receive that care in as close proximity aspossible to their usual residence.
(3) Services are to be comprehensive and coordinated,addressing the child's physical, educational, social and emotional needs;
(4) Services are to be culturally and ethnically competentand service effectiveness is to be assessed considering cultural and ethniccompetence;
(5) The effectiveness of planning and services for a child isto be assessed based upon the attainment of specific outcomes for each child;
(6) The effectiveness of services provided to children aspart of a coordinated, individualized, appropriate child and family drivensystem of care are to be assessed based upon aggregate performance outcomes forchildren and families served.