§ 42-7.2-6.1 - Transfer of powers and functions.
SECTION 42-7.2-6.1
§ 42-7.2-6.1 Transfer of powers andfunctions. (a) There are hereby transferred to the executive office of health and humanservices the powers and functions of the departments with respect to thefollowing:
(1) By July 1, 2007, fiscal services including budgetpreparation and review, financial management, purchasing and accounting and anyrelated functions and duties deemed necessary by the secretary;
(2) By July 1, 2007, legal services including applying andinterpreting the law, oversight to the rule-making process, and administrativeadjudication duties and any related functions and duties deemed necessary bythe secretary;
(3) By September 1, 2007, communications including thosefunctions and services related to government relations, public education andoutreach and media relations and any related functions and duties deemednecessary by the secretary;
(4) By March 1, 2008, policy analysis and planning includingthose functions and services related to the policy development, planning andevaluation and any related functions and duties deemed necessary by thesecretary;
(5) By June 30, 2008, information systems and data managementincluding the financing, development and maintenance of all data-bases andinformation systems and platforms as well as any related operations deemednecessary by the secretary;
(6) By October 1, 2009, assessment and coordination forlong-term care including those functions related to determining level of careor need for services, development of individual service/care plans andplanning, identification of service options, the pricing of service options andchoice counseling; and
(7) By October 1, 2009, program integrity, quality controland collection and recovery functions including any that detect fraud and abuseor assure that beneficiaries, providers, and third-parties pay their fair shareof the cost of services, as well as any that promote alternatives to publiclyfinanced services, such as the long-term care health insurance partnership.
(8) By January 1, 2011, client protective services includingany such services provided to children, elders and adults with developmentaland other disabilities;
(9) By March 1, 2010, administrative management of food andnutritional services including food stamps, WIC and any other such programs orinitiatives in which operational efficiencies that improve access may beachieve through greater consolidation or coordination of functions.
(b) The secretary shall determine in collaboration with thedepartment directors whether the officers, employees, agencies, advisorycouncils, committees, commissions, and task forces of the departments who wereperforming such functions shall be transferred to the office.
(c) In the transference of such functions, the secretaryshall be responsible for ensuring:
(1) Minimal disruption of services to consumers;
(2) Elimination of duplication of functions and operations;
(3) Services are coordinated and functions are consolidatedwhere appropriate;
(4) Clear lines of authority are delineated and followed;
(5) Cost-savings are achieved whenever feasible;
(6) Program application and eligibility determinationprocesses are coordinated and, where feasible, integrated; and
(7) State and federal funds available to the office and theentities therein are allocated and utilized for service delivery to the fullestextent possible.
(d) Except as provided herein, no provision of this chapteror application thereof shall be construed to limit or otherwise restrict thedepartments of children, youth and families, human services, elderly affairs,health, and mental health, retardation, and hospitals from fulfilling anystatutory requirement or complying with any regulation deemed otherwise valid.
(e) The secretary shall prepare and submit to the leadershipof the house and senate finance committees, by no later than January 1, 2010, aplan for restructuring functional responsibilities across the departments toestablish a consumer centered integrated system of health and human servicesthat provides high quality and cost-effective services at the right time and inthe right setting across the life-cycle.