§ 42-66.2-3 - Definitions.

SECTION 42-66.2-3

   § 42-66.2-3  Definitions. – As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:

   (1) "Consumer" means any full-time resident of the state whofulfills the eligibility requirements set forth in § 42-66.2-5. Residencefor purposes of this chapter shall be in accordance with the definitions andevidence standards set forth in § 17-1-3.1.

   (2) "Contractor" means a third party or private vendorcapable of administering a program of reimbursement for prescription drugs, anddrug program eligibility administrative support as required by the director,the vendor to be determined through a competitive bid process in which thedirector awards a three (3) year contract for services.

   (3) "Department" means the department of elderly affairs.

   (4) "Director" means the director of the department ofelderly affairs.

   (5) "Eligible drugs" means insulin, injectable drugs formultiple sclerosis, and shall mean non-injectable drugs which require aphysician's prescription according to federal law and which are contained inthe following American Hospital Formulary Service pharmacologic-therapeuticclassifications categories that have not been determined by the federal "DrugEfficacy and Safety Implementation (DESI) Commission" to lack substantialevidence of effectiveness. Eligible drugs are limited to the followingclassification categories: cardiac drugs, hypotensive drugs, diuretics,anti-diabetic agents, insulin, disposable insulin syringes, vasodilators(cardiac indications only), anticoagulants, hemorreolgic agents, glaucomadrugs, drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, antilipemic drugs andoral antineoplastic drugs and drugs for the treatment of asthma and otherchronic respiratory diseases and prescription vitamin and mineral supplementsfor renal patients, and drugs approved for the treatment of Alzheimer'sdisease, drugs used for the treatment of depression, those drugs approved forthe treatment of urinary incontinence, anti-infectives, drugs used for thetreatment of arthritis, drugs approved for the treatment of osteoporosis, andneuraminidase inhibiting drugs indicated for the treatment of influenza A and B.

   (ii) "Additional drugs" means non-injectable drugs whichrequire a physician's prescription according to federal law and which arecontained in the American Hospital Formulary Service pharmacologic-therapeuticclassifications categories that have not been determined by the federal "DrugEfficacy and Safety Implementation (DESI) Commission" to lack substantialevidence of effectiveness, which are not included in the definition of drugs asdefined in this subdivision. However, this shall not include prescription drugsused for cosmetic purposes.

   (6) "Income" for the purposes of this chapter means the sumof federal adjusted gross income as defined in the Internal Revenue Code of theUnited States, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., and all nontaxable income including,but not limited to, the amount of capital gains excluded from adjusted grossincome, alimony, support money, nontaxable strike benefits, cash publicassistance and relief (not including relief granted under this chapter), thegross amount of any pension or annuity (including Railroad Retirement Actbenefits, 45 U.S.C. § 231 et seq., all payments received under the federalSocial Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq., state unemployment insurancelaws, and veterans' disability pensions), nontaxable interest received from thefederal government or any of its instrumentalities, workers' compensation, andthe gross amount of "loss of time" insurance. It does not include gifts fromnongovernmental sources, or surplus foods or other relief in kind supplied by apublic or private agency.

   (7) "Pharmaceutical manufacturer" means any entity holdinglegal title to or possession of a national drug code number issued by thefederal food and drug administration.

   (8) "Pharmacy" means a pharmacy licensed by the state ofRhode Island.

   (9) [Deleted by P.L. 2008, ch. 100, art. 8, §2].