§ 42-64-1.1 - Change of name.
SECTION 42-64-1.1
§ 42-64-1.1 Change of name. (a) Whenever in any general or public law, reference is made to the "departmentof economic development" or the "Rhode Island port authority and economicdevelopment corporation", the reference shall be deemed to refer to and meanthe "Rhode Island economic development corporation", which may also be referredto as the "economic development corporation".
(b) Whenever in any general or public law, reference is madeto the "director of the department of economic development" or the "executivedirector of the Rhode Island port authority and economic developmentcorporation", the reference shall be deemed to refer to and mean the "executivedirector of the Rhode Island economic development corporation".
(c) Whenever in any general or public law, reference is madeto the "economic development council", the reference shall be deemed to referto and mean the "board of directors of the Rhode Island economic developmentcorporation".