§ 42-64.2-5 - Additional general powers.

SECTION 42-64.2-5

   § 42-64.2-5  Additional general powers.– In addition to the powers enumerated in § 42-64.2-4, except to the extentinconsistent with any specific provisions of this chapter, the Rhode Islandpublic rail corporation shall have the power to:

   (1) Receive from the state title to certain real estatesituated in Providence, Rhode Island, more specifically described as: all ofthe right, title and interest, to the railroad right of way known as theBristol Secondary, identified as Line Code 4165 in the records of the UnitedStates railway association and situated in the city of Providence and city ofEast Providence, county of Providence and state of Rhode Island, as extends ina general eastwardly direction from the westerly side of Canal Street in thecity of Providence and to the Harbor Line of the Seekonk River in the city ofEast Providence on the East; the railroad right of way is set out and designedby – PS – on case plan no. 66190, together with all the real propertyin the cities lying in, under, above, along, and immediately contiguous tothose lines as herein designated.

   Being a part or portion of that same premises which Robert W.Blanchett, Richard C. Bond and John H. McArthur, as trustees of the property ofPenn Central transportation company, debtor, by conveyance document no.PC-CRC-RP-223, dated March 30, 1976 and recorded in East Providence, RhodeIsland on October 18, 1978 in book 372, page 244 etc., and conveyance documentno. PC-CRC-RP-227, recorded in the city of Providence, Rhode Island on October18, 1978 in book 1208, page 752 etc., granted and conveyed into theconsolidated rail corporation.

   (2) To acquire property and railroad operating rights fromthe Providence and Worcester railroad including that property and those rightsrelating to the railroad lines known as:

   (i) Washington secondary branch;

   (ii) Warwick industrial track;

   (iii) Wrentham industrial track;

   (iv) Pontiac secondary branch;

   (v) Moshassuck Valley industrial track;

   (vi) East Providence secondary branch.

   (3) To transfer property rights and railroad operator'srights as it deems proper to achieve the purposes of this chapter to the state.