§ 42-63.1-5 - Regional tourism districts.
SECTION 42-63.1-5
§ 42-63.1-5 Regional tourism districts. (a) The state of Rhode Island is divided into eight (8) regional tourismdistricts to be administered by the tourism council, convention and visitor'sbureau or the Rhode Island economic development corporation as designated inthis section:
(1) South County district which shall include Westerly,Charlestown, Narragansett, South Kingstown, North Kingstown, Hopkinton, Exeter,Richmond, West Greenwich, East Greenwich, and Coventry to be administered bythe South County tourism council, inc.;
(2) Providence district consists of the city of Providence tobe administered by the Convention Authority of the City of Providence.
(3) Northern Rhode Island district consists of Pawtucket,Woonsocket, Lincoln, Central Falls, Cumberland, North Smithfield, Smithfield,Glocester and Burrillville to be administered by the Blackstone Valley tourismcouncil, inc.;
(4) Aquidneck Island district consists of Barrington,Bristol, Warren, Newport, Jamestown, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton andLittle Compton to be administered by the Newport and Bristol County conventionand visitors bureau;
(5) Warwick district consists of the city of Warwick to beadministered by the city of Warwick department of economic development;
(6) Block Island district which shall consist of the town ofNew Shoreham to be administered by the New Shoreham tourism council, inc.;
(7) East Providence to be administered by an entity thatshall be acceptable to the economic development corporation; provided that allfunds generated in the city of East Providence shall be held by the RhodeIsland division of taxation until such time as the city of East Providenceelects to become a member of a regional tourism district at which time themonies held by the Rhode Island division of taxation shall be transferred tothe tourism district or convention visitors' bureau selected by the city ofEast Providence;
(8) Statewide district consists of all cities and towns notdelineated in subdivisions (1) through (7) to be administered by the RhodeIsland economic development corporation.
(b) Before receiving any funds under this chapter, theorganizations designated to receive the funds on behalf of the South Countyregional tourism district and the Northern Rhode Island regional tourismdistrict shall be required to apply to and receive approval from the RhodeIsland economic development corporation pursuant to guidelines promulgated bythe Rhode Island economic development corporation. The corporation shall reviewthe eligibility of the regional tourism district organizations to receive thefunds at least annually.