§ 42-63.1-3 - Distribution of tax.

SECTION 42-63.1-3

   § 42-63.1-3  Distribution of tax. –Except as provided in § 42-63.1-12, the proceeds of the hotel tax shall bedistributed as follows by the division of taxation and the city of Newport:

   (1) Forty-seven percent (47%) of the tax generated by thehotels in the district, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall begiven to the regional tourism district wherein the hotel is located; provided,however, that from the tax generated by the hotels in the city of Warwick,thirty-one percent (31%) of the tax shall be given to the Warwick regionaltourism district established in § 42-63.1-5(a)(5) and sixteen percent(16%) of the tax shall be given to the Greater Providence-Warwick Conventionand Visitors' Bureau established in § 42-63.1-11; and provided further,that from the tax generated by the hotels in the city of Providence, sixteenpercent (16%) of that tax shall be given to the Greater Providence-WarwickConvention and Visitors' Bureau established by § 42-63.1-11, andthirty-one percent (31%) of that tax shall be given to the Convention Authorityof the city of Providence established pursuant to the provisions of chapter 84of the public laws of January, 1980; provided, however, that the receiptsattributable to the district as defined in § 42-63.1-5(a)(7) shall bedeposited as general revenues;

   (2) Twenty-five percent (25%) of the hotel tax shall be givento the city or town where the hotel, which generated the tax, is physicallylocated, to be used for whatever purpose the city or town decides.

   (3) Twenty-one (21%) of the hotel tax shall be deposited asgeneral revenues and seven percent (7%) to the Greater Providence-WarwickConvention and Visitors' Bureau.