§ 42-62-4 - Definitions.

SECTION 42-62-4

   § 42-62-4  Definitions. – For the purposes of this chapter:

   (1) "Benefit" or "health benefit" means a health servicefinanced for a person by a third party such as an insurer or the state.

   (2) "Employee" means any person who has entered into theemployment of or works under contract of service or apprenticeship with anyemployer. It shall not include a person who has been employed for less thanthirty (30) days by his or her employer, nor shall it include a person whoworks less than an average of thirty (30) hours per week. For the purposes ofthis chapter, the term "employee" shall mean a person employed by an employeras defined in subdivision (1). Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,the terms "employee" and "employer" are to be defined according to the rulesand regulations of the department of labor and training.

   (3) "Employer" means any person, partnership, association,trust, estate, corporation, whether foreign or domestic, or the legalrepresentative, trustee in bankruptcy, receiver or trustee, thereof, or thelegal representative of a deceased person, including the state and each cityand town therein, which has in its employ one or more individuals during anycalendar year after January 1, 1975. For the purposes of this section, the term"employer" shall refer only to an employer with persons employed within thestate.

   (4) "Health benefits plan" means any plan by which healthbenefits are paid by an insurer, the state, or the United States.

   (5) "Health maintenance organization" means an organizedsystem of health care which accepts the responsibility to provide, or otherwiseassure the delivery of, an agreed upon set of comprehensive health maintenanceand treatment services, for a voluntarily enrolled group of persons in ageographic area and is reimbursed through a pre-negotiated and fixed periodicpayment made by or on behalf of each person or family unit enrolled in the plan.

   (6) "Health services" means those medical, professional, andparaprofessional services provided to a person to prevent disease, to maintainhealth, to detect disease and disability in its early stages, to diagnose andtreat illness, and to rehabilitate a person to his or her fullest capacities.

   (7) "Insurer" includes all persons, firms, or corporationsoffering and/or insuring health services on a prepaid basis, including, but notlimited to, policies of accident and sickness insurance, as defined by chapter18 of title 27, nonprofit hospital or medical service plans, as defined bychapters 19 and 20 of title 27, or any other entity whose primary function isto provide diagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive services to a definedpopulation on the basis of a periodic premium. It includes all persons, firms,or corporations providing health benefits coverage for employees on aself-insurance basis without the intervention of other entities.

   (8) "Maternity benefits" means benefits rendered for normalobstetrical care. It includes benefits for the completion of obstetrics,prenatal care, care of the newborn infant, labor, delivery, and puerperiumcare. The term includes benefits for normal deliveries or for any complicationsof pregnancy which do not result in delivery of a viable fetus.

   (9) "Physician" means any person duly licensed to practicesurgery or medicine pursuant to the provisions of chapters 29, 31.1, and 37 oftitle 5, (except dental hygienists), and comparable laws of other countries.

   (10) "Qualified program" means those health benefits planswhich provide for the payment of health services by insurers through planswhich have been certified as qualified by the director of the department ofbusiness regulation pursuant to this chapter.

   (11) "State" means the state of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations.

   (12) "United States" means the government of the UnitedStates of America or any of its instrumentalities.