§ 42-60-6 - Powers of the governor.
SECTION 42-60-6
§ 42-60-6 Powers of the governor. Upon the issuance of an executive order declaring the existence of an energycrisis, the governor shall have the following powers:
(1) To cooperate with the president of the United States andfederal departments, agencies, and independent establishments, and the officesand agencies of other states in matters pertaining to the energy crisis; and inconnection with the energy crisis, to take any measures which he or she maydeem proper to carry into effect any request of the president and any otherfederal officers and agencies that may be charged with responsibilities relatedto the energy crisis management effort, the protection of the public peace,health, and safety, or the preservation of life, property, and the operation ofthe economy and society within this state; and
(2) To use and employ within the state, from time to time,and as he or she may deem expedient, any of the property, services, andresources of the state for the purposes set forth in this chapter; and
(3) To employ any measures and give any directions to stateand local officers and agencies that may be reasonable and necessary for thepurpose of securing compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with theorders, rules, and regulations made pursuant to this chapter; and
(4) To utilize the services and facilities of existingofficers, offices, departments, commissions, boards, bureaus, institutions, andother agencies of the state and of the political subdivisions of the state; andall officers and agencies shall co-operate with and extend their services andfacilities to the governor as he or she may request; and
(5) To establish and implement any programs and plans that heor she deems necessary to control and regulate all energy or energy resources;and
(6) To take any other action that may be necessary to protectthe health, safety, and welfare of the people of this state and to preservetheir lives and property during the energy crisis. These powers or actionsincluding all contracts, transfers, leases, or loans executed pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter shall terminate and be revoked upon termination ofthe crisis as set forth in this chapter, and these termination provisions shallbe included in all contracts, transfers, leases, or loans entered into pursuantto this chapter.