§ 42-6-8 - Assignment of functions within departments.
SECTION 42-6-8
§ 42-6-8 Assignment of functions withindepartments. The head of any state department, except as otherwise provided by law, mayassign the functions vested in his or her department to those subordinateofficers and employees as may to him or her seem desirable, including the powerto appoint a delegate to serve in the director's place and stead on any of thevarious boards or commissions to which a director may be appointed. Thedelegate shall have the same power and authority that would be afforded thedirector while serving on the board, including the power to vote, provided thatthe appointment shall be made in writing and shall be filed with the secretaryof state. The director may with the approval of the governor establish withinthe department those subdivisions or other administrative or organization unitswhich may to the head seem desirable in order to expedite the work of thedepartment in the interests of economy and efficiency, and in accordance withgood administrative principles and practices. No person other than the head ofa department or of an independent agency may challenge the authority of his orher or its agent to do any act which the department head or independent agencyis authorized by law to do.