§ 42-6-3 - Appointment of directors.

SECTION 42-6-3

   § 42-6-3  Appointment of directors. –(a) At the January session following his or her election to office, thegovernor shall appoint a director of administration, a director of revenue, adirector of public safety, a director of human services, a director of mentalhealth, retardation, and hospitals, a director of transportation, a director ofbusiness regulation, a director of labor and training, a director ofenvironmental management, a director for children, youth, and families, adirector of elderly affairs, and a director of corrections. The governor shall,in all cases of appointment of a director while the senate is in session,notify the senate of his or her appointment and the senate shall, within sixty(60) legislative days after receipt of the notice, act upon the appointment. Ifthe senate shall, within sixty (60) legislative days, vote to disapprove theappointment it shall so notify the governor, who shall forthwith appoint andnotify the senate of the appointment of a different person as director and soon in like manner until the senate shall fail to so vote disapproval of thegovernor's appointment. If the senate shall fail, for sixty (60) legislativedays next after notice, to act upon any appointment of which it has beennotified by the governor, the person so appointed shall be the director. Thegovernor may withdraw any appointment of which he or she has given notice tothe senate, at any time within sixty (60) legislative days thereafter andbefore action has been taken thereon by the senate.

   (b) Except as expressly provided in § 42-6-9, nodirector of any department shall be appointed or employed pursuant to anycontract of employment for a period of time greater than the remainder of thegovernor's current term of office. Any contract entered into in violation ofthis section after July 1, 1994 is hereby declared null and void.