§ 42-56.2-6 - Bidding by cities and towns at sales of property.
SECTION 42-56.2-6
§ 42-56.2-6 Bidding by cities and towns atsales of property. The governing body of any city or town within the state may, by appropriateordinance, designate any office holder or employee of that city or town toenter a bid or bids in its behalf at any sale of any equipment, supplies,material, or other property, real or personal, owned by the United States orany agency of the United States, and may authorize that person to make any downpayment, or payment in full, required in connection with the bidding, withinthe limits of available appropriations, without regard to any provisions of lawwhich may require:
(1) The posting of notices or public advertising for bids orof expenditures;
(2) The inviting or receiving of competitive bids;
(3) The delivery of purchases before payment.