§ 42-56.2-4 - Payment for property acquired by federal surplus property officer.
SECTION 42-56.2-4
§ 42-56.2-4 Payment for property acquiredby federal surplus property officer. The federal surplus property officer may draw upon the general service rotaryfund for all expenses and costs incurred in the procurement or acquisition ofequipment, supplies, materials, and other personal property pursuant to theprovisions of § 42-56.2-1, and whenever any equipment, supplies,materials, and other personal property pursuant to the provisions of §42-56.2-1 shall be delivered by the federal surplus property officer to anymunicipality or charitable institution, the federal surplus property officershall only charge the municipalities or charitable institutions the cost andexpense incurred in acquiring and procuring the equipment, supplies, materials,and other personal property pursuant to the provisions of § 42-56.2-1. Allmoneys paid by the municipalities, and nonprofit educational or charitableinstitutions, in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall bedeposited in the general service rotary fund.