§ 42-45.1-2 - Purpose of chapter.
SECTION 42-45.1-2
§ 42-45.1-2 Purpose of chapter. The general assembly of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantationshereby declares that the public has an interest in the identification,interpretation, preservation, and protection of the state's archaeologicalresources including underwater historic properties situated under the navigablewaters and territorial seas of the state; that the public has a right to theknowledge to be derived and gained from a scientific study of these resources;and that therefore it is the purpose of this chapter to provide that activitiesfor the identification, preservation, excavation, study, and exhibition of thestate's archaeological resources be undertaken in a coordinated and organizedmanner, with due consideration given to other significant natural and man-madeenvironmental assets, for the general welfare of the public as a whole.