§ 42-45.1-12 - Enforcement of chapter Assistance by other agencies.
SECTION 42-45.1-12
§ 42-45.1-12 Enforcement of chapter Assistance by other agencies. The attorney general of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantationsshall have the power to bring an action in the name of the state of RhodeIsland and Providence Plantations in any court of competent jurisdiction forrestraining orders and injunctive relief to restrain and enjoin violations orthreatened violations of this chapter, and for the return of items taken inviolation of the provisions hereof. The chief administrative officers of allstate agencies are authorized and directed to cooperate and assist the statehistorical preservation commission and the attorney general in carrying out theintent of this chapter. All law enforcement agencies and officers, state andlocal, are authorized and directed to assist in enforcing this chapter and incarrying out the intent hereof.