§ 42-40-4 - Status of employees of this state.
SECTION 42-40-4
§ 42-40-4 Status of employees of thisstate. (a) Employees of a sending agency participating in an exchange of personnel asauthorized in § 42-40-3 may be considered during the participation to be:
(1) On detail to regular work assignments of the sendingagency, or
(2) In a status of leave of absence from their positions inthe sending agency.
(b) Employees who are on detail shall be entitled to the samesalary and benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled and shall remainemployees of the sending agency for all other purposes except that thesupervision of their duties during the period of detail may be governed byagreement between the sending agency and the receiving agency.
(c) Employees who are in a leave of absence status asprovided herein shall be carried on leave without pay: provided, that they maybe granted annual leave or other time off with pay to the extent authorized bylaw and may be granted authorized sick leave in circumstances considered by thesending agency to justify that leave. Except as otherwise provided in thischapter, employees who are in a leave of absence status shall have the samerights, benefits, and obligations as employees generally who are in such leavestatus but notwithstanding any other provision of law these employees may beentitled to credit the period of such assignment toward benefits as employeesof the sending agency.
(d) Any employee who participates in an exchange under theterms of this section who suffers disability or death as a result of personalinjury arising out of and in the course of an exchange, or sustained inperformance of duties in connection therewith, shall be treated, for thepurposes of the sending agency's employee compensation program, as an employee,as defined in that act, who has sustained injury in the performance of thatduty, but shall not receive benefits under that act for any period for which heor she is entitled to and elects to receive similar benefits under thereceiving agency's employee compensation program.