§ 42-35-2 - Public information Adoption of rules Availability of rules and orders.
SECTION 42-35-2
§ 42-35-2 Public information Adoption of rules Availability of rules and orders. (a) In addition to other rule making requirements imposed by law, each agencyshall:
(1) Adopt as a rule a description of its organization,stating the general course and method of its operations and the methods wherebythe public may obtain information or make submissions or requests;
(2) Adopt rules of practice, setting forth the nature andrequirements of all formal and informal procedures available, and including adescription of all forms and instructions used by the agency;
(3) Make available for public inspection all rules and allother written statements of policy or interpretations formulated, adopted, orused by the agency in the discharge of its functions;
(4) Make available for public inspection all final orders,decisions, and opinions.
(b) No agency rule, order, or decision is valid or effectiveagainst any person or party, nor may it be invoked by the agency for anypurpose, until it has been made available for public inspection as hereinrequired, except that this provision is not applicable in favor of any personor party who has actual knowledge thereof.