§ 42-35-14 - Licenses.
SECTION 42-35-14
§ 42-35-14 Licenses. (a) Whenever the grant, denial, or renewal of a license is required to bepreceded by notice and opportunity for a hearing, the provisions of thischapter concerning contested cases apply.
(b) Whenever a licensee has made timely and sufficientapplication for the renewal of a license or a new license with reference to anyactivity of a continuing nature, the existing license does not expire until theapplication has been finally determined by the agency, and, in case theapplication is denied or the terms of the new license limited, until the lastday for seeking review of the agency order or a later date fixed by order ofthe reviewing court.
(c) No revocation, suspension, annulment, or withdrawal ofany license is lawful unless, prior to the institution of agency proceedings,the agency sent notice by mail to the licensee of facts or conduct whichwarrant the intended action, and the licensee was given an opportunity to showcompliance with all lawful requirements for the retention of the license. Ifthe agency finds that public health, safety, or welfare imperatively requiresemergency action, and incorporates a finding to that effect in its order,summary suspension of license may be ordered pending proceedings for revocationor other action. These proceedings shall be promptly instituted and determined.