§ 42-28-19 - Police powers of members – Fees – Duties – Suppression of riots.

SECTION 42-28-19

   § 42-28-19  Police powers of members –Fees – Duties – Suppression of riots. – Members of the division shall have and may exercise in any part of the state,with regard to the enforcement of the criminal laws, all powers of sheriffs,deputy sheriffs, town sergeants, chiefs of police, police officers, andconstables. Any person authorized to issue criminal process may direct thatprocess to any member of the division. All fees received by members of thedivision in connection with the performance of their duties shall be paid tothe general treasurer for the use of the state. It shall be the duty of itsmembers to prevent and detect crime, to apprehend and assist in the prosecutionof offenders, and to assist in the investigation and prosecution of anycriminal matters within the state. The governor may command their services inthe suppression of riots, but they shall not exercise their powers within thelimits of any city to suppress rioting except by direction of the governor andupon the request of the mayor or chief of police of any city.