§ 42-28.6-11 - Decisions of hearing committee.
SECTION 42-28.6-11
§ 42-28.6-11 Decisions of hearingcommittee. (a) The hearing committee shall be empowered to sustain, modify in whole or inpart, or reverse the complaint or charges of the investigating authority, asprovided in § 42-28.6-4.
(b) Any decision, order, or action taken as a result of thehearing shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by findings of fact. Thefindings shall consist of a concise statement upon each issue in the case.Copies of the decision or order and accompanying findings and conclusions shallbe delivered or mailed promptly to the law enforcement officer or to his or herattorney or representative of record and to the law enforcement agency or toits attorney or representative of record.
(c) In any proceeding under this chapter, it shall be theburden of the charging law enforcement agency to prove, by a fair preponderanceof the evidence, that the law enforcement officer is guilty of the offense(s)or violation(s) of which he or she is accused.