§ 42-28.4-5 - Payments.
SECTION 42-28.4-5
§ 42-28.4-5 Payments. (a) The chiefs of the various fire departments and fire districts andCumberland rescue department and emergency service technicians of the town ofLincoln shall supply to the chief of classification and training, division ofpersonnel, on or before the first day of September of each year, a list of allmembers of the respective departments who have earned incentive credits fromJuly 1, 1970. The chief shall certify the amount of incentive pay for eachfirefighter or Cumberland rescue personnel and emergency service technicians ofthe town of Lincoln; and the state controller is hereby authorized and directedto draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for payment to the chiefof the sums to be distributed by him or her to the several city and towntreasurers who shall in turn distribute these funds to the eligiblefirefighters or Cumberland rescue personnel and emergency service techniciansof the town of Lincoln; provided, however, that if the appropriation in anyfiscal year is not sufficient to pay in full the total amount which is eligibleto be distributed during the fiscal year, the maximum amounts which theeligible firefighters or Cumberland rescue personnel, and emergency servicetechnicians of the town of Lincoln are eligible to receive shall be ratablyreduced to the level of the appropriation.
(b) Individual incentive payments shall remain fixed at thedollar amount obtained by the incentive point score attained as of September 1,1978, and will not increase until the additional required incentive points havebeen earned.
(c) No participant in this program shall receive an incentiveaward in an amount less than the amount he or she received in the fiscal yearending June 30, 1979.
(d) Firefighters who are participants in this program as ofSeptember 1, 1978 and who do not have a degree nor are enrolled in a degreeprogram must enroll in a degree program by January 1, 1980 in order to beeligible for the incentive award payments.