§ 42-28.4-4 - Point system.
SECTION 42-28.4-4
§ 42-28.4-4 Point system. The points needed to be acquired in order to achieve the various incentivesteps as set forth in § 42-28.4-3 shall be earned as follows:
(1) One hundred forty (140) points for a baccalaureate degreein a university, college, technical institute, or other institution approved bythe regional accrediting association of colleges and secondary schools for thearea in which the institution is located.
(2) Seventy (70) points for an associate degree awarded byany institution approved by the regional accrediting association of collegesand secondary schools for the area in which the institution is located.
(3) One point for each semester hour credit obtained in auniversity, college, technical institute, or other institute of learningapproved by the regional accrediting association of colleges and secondaryschools for the area in which the institution is located, with a concentrationrelated to fire science, provided that the member is continuously enrolled in adegree program and is taking at least nine (9) semester hours per year in theprogram and that a degree is obtained; provided, however, that upon disabilityor hardship of a member, the chief of classification and training, division ofpersonnel may exempt the member from the above requirements.