§ 42-28.1-8 - Eligible education.
SECTION 42-28.1-8
§ 42-28.1-8 Eligible education. No credit shall be granted for any degree other than those specified in §42-28.1-3. No credit shall be granted to members of city or town police forcesfor degrees awarded prior to May 1, 1967. No credit shall be granted to membersof the state police force and division of fire safety for degrees awarded priorto May 16, 1970. No credit shall be granted to members of the sheriffs' unitfor degrees awarded prior to January 1, 1970. No credit shall be granted tomembers of the Rhode Island marshals' unit or Rhode Island capitol police forcefor degrees awarded prior to June 30, 1987, except for those members of themarshals' unit or capitol police force presently in service.