§ 42-24-1 - Composition of commission – Expenses.

SECTION 42-24-1

   § 42-24-1  Composition of commission –Expenses. – (a) Membership. There shall be a commission on uniform state lawsconsisting of:

   (i) Seven (7) qualified electors, including three (3) membersappointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, not more than two (2)from the same political party;

   (ii) Three (3) members appointed by the president of thesenate, not more than two (2) from the same political party; and

   (iii) The director of legislative council or his or herdesignee.

   (b) Qualifications. Members of the commission must beattorneys who are members of a state bar, qualified to practice law. Thegeneral assembly members of the commission shall be ex officio members withfull voting powers. The commission shall also consist of any qualified electorswho, because of long service in the case of uniformity of state legislation,shall have been elected life members of the National Conference ofCommissioners on Uniform State Laws.

   (c) Terms. Beginning on January 1, 2006 the speakerand the president shall each appoint one member to serve a term of one year,one member to serve a term of two (2) years, one member to serve a term ofthree (3) years. Terms shall commence with the date of appointment and expireon the 30th day of June thereafter corresponding with the number of years ofthe term to which appointed. Thereafter appointments shall be made for terms ofthree (3) years commencing on July 1st in the year of appointment and end onJune 30th of the third year thereafter.

   (d) Vacancies. Any vacancy in the board shall befilled in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of theunexpired term. Appointed members of the commission shall continue to assumethe duties now performed by this commission in accordance with this chapter andsuch other duties as may be set forth by the governor or by act of the generalassembly.

   (e) Compensation. The commission shall serve withoutcompensation, but shall be reimbursed for their travel and necessary expensesin accordance with the rates from time to time established by the legislativedepartment in its rules and regulations and may expend such sums of money asmay be appropriated from time to time by the general assembly. Elected lifemembers of the commission may be reimbursed for travel and necessary expensessubject to funding availability and the approval of the joint committee onlegislative services.

   (f) Expiration of term. Terms of current members ofthe commission appointed by the governor shall expire December 31, 2005.