§ 42-20-8.2 - Audits.
SECTION 42-20-8.2
§ 42-20-8.2 Audits. In the interest of open government and ease of access to public records, allstate agencies and departments of state government, including withoutlimitation, public and quasi-public agencies, authorities, boards, andcommissions, which are required by law to prepare audits, shall prepare thethree (3) most recent audits for read-only internet posting. The audits shallbe posted on the appropriate website, for public viewing, within thirty (30)days of their completion. The state agency or department posting any such auditshall so notify the office of secretary of state. The office of secretary ofstate shall then post, on its own website, notice of the availability andwebsite location of all such audits. The office of secretary of state is herebyauthorized to promulgate the rules and regulations regarding the postings.