§ 42-17.4-6 - Prohibitions.
SECTION 42-17.4-6
§ 42-17.4-6 Prohibitions. (a) It shall be unlawful after June 30, 1979, for any person to operate or tocause to be operated a wastewater treatment facility unless the superintendentand assistant superintendent of the facility hold a certificate issued by theboard. The board may waive the requirement of a certified assistantsuperintendent at a wastewater treatment facility designed for a flow of lessthan one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons per day.
(b) It shall be unlawful after June 30, 1979 for any personto hire an individual as an operator unless he or she holds a certificate asrequired under regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter; except that theoperator may be hired without the certificate provided that he or she obtainsthe certificate within one year of the date of employment.