§ 42-17.2-4 - Rules, regulations, and codes.
SECTION 42-17.2-4
§ 42-17.2-4 Rules, regulations, and codes. (a) The director of environmental management may adopt reasonable rules,regulations, and codes relating to public safety in the construction,operation, maintenance, and inspection of passenger tramways. The rules,regulations, and codes authorized hereunder shall conform as nearly aspracticable to established standards, if any, and shall not be discriminatoryin their application to operators of passenger tramways.
(1) The rules, regulations, and codes shall be adopted onlyafter public hearing, notice of which shall be published in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in this state at least fourteen (14) days before holdingthe hearing. The director of environmental management shall also give notice ofthe hearing by mail to each registered operator at least fourteen (14) daysbefore holding it.
(2) At the hearing the director of environmental managementshall permit any interested person to present information, views, and argumentswith respect to the rules, regulations, or codes, either orally or in writtenform. A summary of the text of the rules, regulations, and codes adopted by thedirector of environmental management shall be published by the department intwo (2) newspapers of general circulation in the state and each registeredoperator shall be furnished with two (2) copies thereof. The rules,regulations, and codes shall become effective upon such date subsequent topublication as required in this section.
(b) The foregoing procedure shall be followed by the directorof environmental management in amending or appealing any of its rules,regulations, or codes. Rules, regulations, or codes adopted by the director ofenvironmental management shall in no way reduce or diminish the standard ofcare imposed upon passenger tramway operators under existing law.