§ 42-17.1-23.1 - Transfer of functions and resources Underground storage tanks.
SECTION 42-17.1-23.1
§ 42-17.1-23.1 Transfer of functions andresources Underground storage tanks. (a) Resources of the underground storage tank financial responsibility reviewboard including, but not limited to property, employees, and accounts arehereby transferred to the department of environmental management.
(b) As part of the above transfer, all employees of theunderground storage tank financial responsibility review board shall betransferred to the classified service. The director of the department ofenvironmental management, following consultation with the personneladministrator, shall be responsible for assigning final class specificationswith salaries commensurate with the duties and responsibilities assigned. Thepersonnel administrator shall take into consideration existing classificationscurrently within the classified service classification and pay plan.
(c) Transferred employees who return to service with thestate of Rhode Island directly from uninterrupted employment with the RhodeIsland underground storage tank financial review board, henceforth referred toas "UST Board" shall have their length of service at the UST Board deemed to beuninterrupted active state service for purposes of service credits in the stateretirement system.
(d) Employees who subsequently become employees of thedepartment of environmental management as a result of this transfer may utilizetheir term of service with the UST Board for the purposes of longevitycomputation as it applies to wages, vacation time and longevity increases. Inaddition, accrued vacation time, sick leave, and all other benefits with theUST Board may be transferred.