§ 42-17.1-2.3 - Watershed-based management.
SECTION 42-17.1-2.3
§ 42-17.1-2.3 Watershed-based management. (a) In order to accomplish the duties and responsibilities for the protection,development, planning, and utilization of the natural resources of the state,the director is authorized: (1) to plan, coordinate, integrate, manage,exercise and/or implement the powers set forth in this chapter on a watershedbasis for the purposes of preserving and/or improving ecosystem functionality,protecting public health, safety and welfare, and providing for the use ofnatural resources, including for recreational and agricultural purposes; (2) towork in conjunction with the Rhode Island rivers council and in cooperationwith federal, interstate, state, local and private agencies and communityorganizations and watershed groups and associations and persons to effectuatewatershed-based management, as appropriate and desirable; (3) to cooperate withthe coastal resources management council in the preparation and adoption of amarine resources development plan as provided for in § 46-23-6(1)(v)(A);and (4) to coordinate and administer the activities of the department toachieve the purposes of systems level planning by the state; and within areassubject to the jurisdiction of the coastal resources management council, toadminister its programs and exercise its powers and duties consistent with themarine resources development plan and in those areas which are not subject tothe jurisdiction of the coastal resources management council to administer itsprograms and exercise its powers and duties in a manner that contributes tomeeting the purposes and goals of the marine resources development plan.
(b) Cumulative effects and potential cumulative effects ofregulatory actions, including, but not limited to, the issuance of permits andapprovals, on a geographic basis, shall be incorporated, subject to thelimitations set forth in subsection 42-17.1-2(14), to the extent practicableand reasonable by the department into watershed-based management and planning.