§ 42-16.1-9 - Organization of board – Restrictions on members – Removal.

SECTION 42-16.1-9

   § 42-16.1-9  Organization of board –Restrictions on members – Removal. – The representative of the public shall be chairperson of the board of review.No hearing shall proceed in the absence of the chairperson of the board ofreview and the chairperson shall act alone in the absence of any other member.In the absence of the chairperson for more than thirty (30) days, or in caseswhere the chairperson may not sit by law, the chief referee may serve as actingchairperson of the board of review; provided, however, that the actingchairperson shall act only in the presence of the other two (2) members. Nomember of the board of review shall, during his or her term of office, serve asany officer or committee member of any political party organization, or as amember of the general assembly. The governor may at any time, after publichearing, remove any member of the board of review for gross inefficiency,neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office.