§ 42-16.1-4 - Transfer of functions from the department of employment and training.
SECTION 42-16.1-4
§ 42-16.1-4 Transfer of functions from thedepartment of employment and training. (a) There are hereby transferred to the department of labor and training allfunctions formerly administered by the department of employment and trainingset forth in chapters 39 44, inclusive, of title 28 and chapter 102 oftitle 42; and of all other general laws and public laws heretofore carried outby the existing director of employment and training and the department ofemployment and training. The department of labor and training shall:
(1) Be the principal executive department charged withadministering employment and training programs in the state. The departmentshall establish a coordinated structure for delivery of such programs and shallwork with the Rhode Island Human Resource Investment Council, or its successor,in carrying out the statewide policies, goals, and guidelines developed by theRhode Island Human Resource Investment Council, or its successor, pursuant to§ 42-102-9;
(2) Administer all employment and training programs formerlyadministered by the department of employment and training, including, withoutlimitation, all state and local programs sponsored under the federal JobTraining Partnership Act, 29 U.S.C. § 1501 et seq.; and
(3) Continue to work with the existing local regionalemployment and training boards and along with such other regional employmentand training boards as may be established from time to time by the Rhode IslandHuman Resource Investment Council, or its successor, and the department. Suchboards shall operate according to the policies and guidelines established bythe Rhode Island Human Resource Investment Council, or its successor; shall beresponsible for establishing local planning and coordination guidelines; shallreview and comment on all local plans, proposals, and programs that would befunded directly by state and/or federal agencies; shall assist in thedevelopment of public-private partnerships; and shall be responsible for thedevelopment of a local coordination plan covering programs and services withinall service delivery areas located within the state.
(b) To the extent that there is any conflict between federallaw and this section, federal law shall prevail.
(c) Whenever in the general laws or in any public law thewords "director of employment and training" or "director of employmentsecurity" or "department of employment and training" or "department ofemployment security" shall appear, the same shall be deemed to mean thedirector of labor and training or the department of labor and training, as thecase may be.