§ 42-152-8 - Annual report to general assembly. [Effective July 1, 2010.].

SECTION 42-152-8

   § 42-152-8  Annual report to generalassembly. [Effective July 1, 2010.]. – The director shall appear and make an annual report in January of each year tothe House and Senate Finance Committees, setting forth in detail the conditionof the veterans' home, any veterans' cemetery, authorized and established bythe general assembly, and in general the character of the work of veterans'affairs; and shall render in the report a faithful account of all moneysreceived and expended by the director and by the division of veterans' servicesin the execution of the provisions of this chapter and chapter 24 of thistitle, excepting the names of persons to whom they have furnished assistancewhich shall be omitted.