§ 42-142-3 - Office of revenue analysis.
SECTION 42-142-3
§ 42-142-3 Office of revenue analysis. (a) There is hereby established within the department of revenue an office ofrevenue analysis. The head of the office shall be the chief of revenueanalysis, who shall hold office for the term of five (5) years from the time ofhis or her appointment and until his or her successor is duly appointed andqualified. The chief shall be eligible for reappointment, and shall not engagein any other occupation. The head of the office shall have an advanced degreein economics or statistics;
(b) The director of revenue shall grant to the chief ofrevenue analysis reasonable access to appropriate expert staff and access totaxation data sufficient to carry out the duties of the office;
(c) The division shall analyze, evaluate, and appraise thetax system of the state, and make recommendations for its revision inaccordance with the best interests of the economy of the state;
(d) The division shall be responsible for preparing the taxexpenditures report as required in § 44-48.1-1;
(e) The division shall be responsible for preparing costbenefit analyses of all tax expenditures.