§ 42-14.2-8 - Requirements.
SECTION 42-14.2-8
§ 42-14.2-8 Requirements. No new license shall be granted under the provisions of this chapter unless:
(1) The applicant shall have complied with and obtained alicense under the licensing ordinances enacted pursuant to the provisions of§ 5-21-1 entitled "second-hand dealers."
(2) If the applicant proposes to establish an automobilewrecking yard in a municipality not issuing licenses under the provisions ofchapter 21 of title 5, the location must be:
(i) More than one thousand feet (1,000') from the nearestedge of any highway on the interstate or primary system;
(ii) More than six hundred feet (600') from any other statehighway;
(iii) More than three hundred feet (300') from any park,bathing beach, playground, school, church or cemetery and not within viewtherefrom;
(iv) Screened from view and enclosed by a properly maintainedfence at least six feet (6') high except where a natural barrier providesappropriate screening; and
(v) In size amounting to at least two (2) acres of land andshall be one contiguous lot.
(3) A description of the land upon which the locationintended to be licensed in accordance with subdivision (2) shall be madeavailable to the department by a surveyor's survey plan, a city or townassessor's map, or an aerial cartographic chart reflecting the area.