§ 42-137-6 - Authority of select commission.

SECTION 42-137-6

   § 42-137-6  Authority of select commission.– The select commission shall have the authority to conduct surveys, studies andanalyses consistent with its mission and its budget, approved by the RhodeIsland general assembly. Consistent with its budget appropriations, mission,goals and purpose, the select commission may engage the services of anexecutive director and such other managerial, administrative and clericalemployees as are necessary for the effective performance of its functions. Theselect commission is authorized and empowered to hold hearings, subject tochapter 46 of this title entitled "Open Meetings," and may request and shallreceive from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, or agency ofthis state, or any of its political subdivisions, any assistance, records anddata that will enable it to carry out its powers and duties. The selectcommission may utilize any advisors it deems necessary, and may create andappoint such subcommittees, task forces, or advisory committees it deemsnecessary to carry out its mission. The chairperson of the select commissionshall appoint members to chair subcommittees, task forces, or advisorycommittees; and may appoint persons who are not members of the selectcommission to serve on subcommittees, task forces, or advisory committees.