§ 42-131-3 - Purpose and duties.
SECTION 42-131-3
§ 42-131-3 Purpose and duties. The purpose of the council shall be to provide a forum to discussintergovernmental issues between federal, state and local government and theprivate sector and to develop specific and comprehensive recommendations forexecutive and legislative action as may be necessary and proper to maintain andencourage improvements in intergovernmental relations. To enable the council tocarry out that purpose, the council shall study the following matters and anyothers it deems appropriate:
(1) The existing, necessary, and desirable relationshipsbetween and among local governments, the state and the private sector;
(2) The existing, necessary, and desirable allocation ofstate and local functional responsibilities and fiscal resources, such as themanner in which the state delivers services to local communities and the powersand functions of local governments;
(3) The impact of federal aid programs in terms of theircompatibility with state and local objectives and their fiscal andadministrative impact on programs;
(4) Impact of federal or state judicial decisions, and/orexisting or proposed federal, state, legislative or executive policies andregulations upon the capacities and effectiveness of local government;
(5) The special problems in interstate areas facing localgovernments, intrastate regional units, and area-wide bodies, such studieswhere possible to be conducted in conjunction with those of a pertinent sisterstate commission(s);
(6) Ways and means to foster better relations among local,state and federal governments, and between government and the private sector;
(7) Encourage and, where appropriate, coordinate studiesrelating to intergovernmental relations conducted by universities, state, localand federal agencies, and research and consulting organizations;
(8) Review the recommendations of national commissionsstudying private sector, federal, state and local government relationships andissues and assess their possible application to Rhode Island;
(9) Provide opportunities for state and local governmentofficials and members of the private sector to become more knowledgeable abouttheir shared duties and responsibilities to deliver effective services, such asconducting educational seminars and informational conferences on selectedintergovernmental and state and local issues, including potential areas ofinterstate, state-local and private-public partnerships; and
(10) Review and propose any constitutional amendments andstatutory changes required to implement proposals of the commission.