§ 42-131-2 - Membership of council.
SECTION 42-131-2
§ 42-131-2 Membership of council. (a) The council shall be composed of twenty-four (24) members as follows:
(1) The lieutenant governor;
(2) The president of the senate or his or her designee;
(3) The speaker of the house or his or her designee;
(4) The majority leader of the house of representatives orhis or her designee;
(5) The minority leader of the house of representatives orhis or her designee;
(6) The minority leader of the senate or his or her designee;
(7) The chairperson of the house finance committee or his orher designee;
(8) The chairperson of the senate finance committee or his orher designee;
(9) Three (3) state executive branch officials appointed bythe governor, one of whom shall be the chief of the office of municipal affairsin the department of administration;
(10) Three (3) city and/or town officials appointed by thepresident of the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns;
(11) The executive director of the League of Cities and Towns;
(12) Two (2) members of the Rhode Island Public ExpenditureCouncil, one of whom shall be the executive director of said council and one ofwhom shall be appointed by the president of said council;
(13) Two (2) members appointed by the president of the RhodeIsland School Committee Association;
(14) The mayor of the city of Providence or his or herdesignee;
(15) The president of the Providence city council or his orher designee; and
(16) Four (4) members being representatives of the RhodeIsland congressional delegation.
(17) President of the senate effective January 1, 2003.
(b) Members of the council shall hold office for three (3)years. Should any member cease to be an officer or employee of the unit oragency he or she is appointed to represent, his or her membership on thecouncil shall terminate immediately. Any vacancy on the council shall be filledfor the unexpired term by the appointing authority in the same manner as theoriginal appointment.
(c) The lieutenant governor shall serve as chairperson andthe vice chairperson of the council shall be designated by the governor fromamong the members. In the event of the absence or disability of both thechairperson and vice chairperson, the members of the council shall elect atemporary chairperson by a majority vote of those present and voting.
(d) The council is subject to review by the generalassembly's legislative oversight commission as defined in chapter 14 of title22.