§ 42-13-2 - Organization and functions of the department.

SECTION 42-13-2

   § 42-13-2  Organization and functions ofthe department. – (a) The department shall be organized into such divisions as are described inthis section and such other divisions, subdivisions, and agencies as thedirector shall find are necessary to carry out the responsibilities of thedepartment.

   (1) Division of administration. This division shall beheaded by an assistant director for administration. The division shall provideassistance to the director in managing and controlling the work of thedepartment, shall collect bridge tolls and administer any financial supportmade available to support railroad passenger or freight service. The divisionof administration shall include:

   (i) A business management office which shall provide centralpersonnel, financial programming, payroll, and other management services to alldivisions and agencies of the department.

   (ii) A legal counsel who shall prepare or review anylegislation pertaining to the department, assist in preparing contracts, handleclaims against the department, and provide other legal services as required.

   (iii) A public information office which shall inform thepublic of the programs and projects of the department, answer inquiries by thepublic, prepare and release progress reports and other publications, andprovide photographic services.

   (iv) An audits office which shall continuously audit all ofthe activities of the department and insure compliance with state and federallaws and administrative regulations.

   (v) A property management office which shall acquire all realproperty for the department, make appraisals of property, manage real propertyunder the department's jurisdiction, and operate a family and businessrelocation program. The property management office shall manage those statepiers and related facilities which are used for port or waterwaystransportation purposes.

   (2) Planning division. This division shall be headedby a chief of transportation planning. The division shall assist the divisionof planning in the department of administration to prepare transportationelements of the long-range state guide plan. The division will preparefunctional and area plans, project plans, improvement programs, andimplementation programs which are consistent with the long-range state guideplan. The division will undertake corridor, route location, feasibility,facility needs, and other studies as required to support the work of thedepartment. The division shall collect and analyze statistical and other dataon all types of transportation needs and facilities.

   (3) Public works division. This division shall beheaded by a chief engineer. The division shall be responsible for the designand engineering of roads, bridges, transit facilities, airport facilities, portand waterways facilities, and all other transportation facilities. The divisionshall prepare contracts and specifications for all construction projectsundertaken by the department. The division shall supervise the execution of allconstruction projects. The division shall perform traffic engineeringfunctions, make surveys and soil studies, test materials, and perform otherfunctions necessary to support the department's design and constructionactivities.

   (4) Maintenance division. This division shall beheaded by a maintenance engineer. The division shall maintain all roads,bridges, airports, piers, port terminal facilities, and other transportationfacilities and landscaped areas which are under the jurisdiction of thedepartment of transportation. The division shall install and maintain trafficcontrol signs and signals.

   (5) Airports division. This division shall be headedby an assistant director for airports. The division shall operate allstate-owned airports, heliports, and other facilities for air transportation,including passenger and cargo terminals, parking facilities and othersupporting facilities, emergency services, and security services. The divisionshall regulate aeronautical matters and shall supervise the location,maintenance, operation, and use of privately-owned civil airports, landingareas, navigation facilities, air schools, and flying clubs.

   (b) The director may assign such other responsibilities tothe divisions and agencies as he or she shall find appropriate and may reassignfunctions to divisions and agencies other than as set out in this section if heor she shall find this reassignment necessary to the proper and efficientfunctioning of the department or of the state's transportation system.