§ 42-128-6 - Commission Membership and terms Officers Expenses Meetings.
SECTION 42-128-6
§ 42-128-6 Commission Membershipand terms Officers Expenses Meetings. (a) Membership. The commission shall have twenty-seven (27) members asfollows: the directors of departments of administration, business regulation,elderly affairs, health, human services, mental health retardation andhospitals, the chairperson of the Rhode Island housing and mortgage financecorporation, and the attorney general, shall be ex officio members; thepresident of the Rhode Island Bankers Association, or the designee of thepresident, the president of the Rhode Island Mortgage Banker's Association, orthe designee of the president; the president of the Rhode Island RealtorsAssociation, or the designee of the president; the executive director of theRhode Island Housing Network, the executive director of the Rhode IslandCoalition for the Homeless, the president of the Rhode Island Association ofExecutive Directors for Housing, or the designee of the president, and thirteen(13) members who have knowledge of and have a demonstrated interest in housingissues as they affect low and moderate income people, appointed by the governorwith the advice and consent of the senate: one of whom shall be thechairperson, one of whom shall be the representative of the homeless, one ofwhom shall be a representative of a community development corporation, one ofwhom shall be the representative of an agency addressing lead poisoning issues,one of whom shall be a local planner, one of whom shall be a local buildingofficial, one of whom shall be a representative of fair housing interests, oneof whom shall be representative of an agency advocating the interest of racialminorities, one of whom shall be a representative of the Rhode Island BuildersAssociation, one of whom shall be a representative of insurers, one of whomshall be a representative of a community development intermediary that providesfinancing and technical assistance to housing non-profits, one of whom shall bea non-profit developer, and one of whom shall be a senior housing advocate.
(2) The terms of appointed members shall be three (3) years,except for the original appointments, the term of four (4) of whom shall be oneyear and the term of four (4) of whom shall be two (2) years; no member mayserve more than two (2) successive terms.
(b) Officers. The governor shall appoint thechairperson of the commission, who shall not be an ex officio member, with theadvice and consent of the senate. The commission shall elect annually avice-chairperson, who shall be empowered to preside at meetings in the absenceof the chairperson, and a secretary.
(c) Expenses. The members of the commission shallserve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable actualexpenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties.
(d) Meetings. Meetings of the commission shall be heldupon the call of the chairperson, or five (5) members of the commission, oraccording to a schedule that may be annually established by the commission;provided, however, that the commission shall meet at least once quarterly. Amajority of members of the commission, not including vacancies, shallconstitute a quorum, and no vacancy in the membership of the commission shallimpair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all of theduties of the commission.