§ 42-128-2 - Rhode Island housing resources agency created.
SECTION 42-128-2
§ 42-128-2 Rhode Island housing resourcesagency created. There is created within the executive department a housing resources agencywith the following purposes, organization, and powers:
(i) To provide coherence to the housing programs of the stateof Rhode Island and its departments, agencies, commissions, corporations, andsubdivisions.
(ii) To provide for the integration and coordination of theactivities of the Rhode Island housing and mortgage finance corporation and theRhode Island housing resources commission.
(i) The coordinating committee of the housing resourcesagency shall be comprised of the chairperson of the Rhode Island housing andmortgage finance corporation, the chairperson of the Rhode Island housingresources commission, the director of the department of administration, or thedesignee of the director, and the executive director of the Rhode Islandhousing and mortgage finance corporation. The chairperson of the Rhode Islandhousing resources commission shall be chairperson of the coordinating committee.
(ii) The coordinating committee shall develop and shallimplement, with the approval of the Rhode Island housing and mortgage financecorporation and the Rhode Island housing resources commission, a memorandum ofagreement describing the fiscal and operational relationship between the RhodeIsland housing and mortgage finance corporation and the Rhode Island housingresources commission and shall define which programs of federal assistance willbe applied for on behalf of the state by the Rhode Island housing and mortgagefinance corporation and the Rhode Island housing resources commission.