§ 42-122-6 - Procedures for designation of state-owned land as a natural area preserve.
SECTION 42-122-6
§ 42-122-6 Procedures for designation ofstate-owned land as a natural area preserve. (a) A request for designation of state-owned land as a natural area preserveshall be made to the director, that request specifying the area to bedesignated, the reasons for the designation, the proposed management strategynecessary to protect the critical environmental resources within the area, andthe changes that would be required in current management practices. The requestfor designation may be made by the director of any state agency for any parcelof land under the agency's control.
(b) The director may approve the designation of state-ownedland as a preserve only after consultation with the managing agency, and aftera public hearing. Notice requirements for the public hearing shall be the sameas required under § 42-122-5(a). Before a preserve is designated, amanagement plan must be approved by the director and adopted by the departmentmanaging the preserve.